Influence of antropogenic factors on CNP-stoichiometry of the water of river ecosystems
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 2
Influence researches of anthropogenic factors on the Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus stoichiometric balance in the water and the biological objects of the river ecosystems is relevant considering the imperative significance of CNP-stoichiometry of river ecosystems, which it determines the state of various parts of the trophic web and the direction and intensity of all ecological processes too. The aim was to investigate the influence of anthropogenic factors on the CNP stoichiometry of the river ecosystems in the model region. The researches were perform on the example of the river ecosystems of the Dniester, Prut and Siret basins (within the Chernivtsi region) in the periods of alternative phases of the water regime river. It is period of the summer low flow of the river and spring flooding during the years 2013-2014. Water samples were taken by the Rutner`s batometer BRm-1 on the 16 sites of each station: 8 near the phanerophytic floodplain (4 of them near the coast and 4 – 1,5 meters from the coast) and 8 near the grassland floodplain (4 of them near the coast and 4 – 1,5 meters from the coast). In laboratory conditions, nitrate content was determined using Nitratmeter H-401; carbonates and hydrocarbonates were determined using the titrimetric method; phosphates, ammonia and nitrites were determined using the photocolorimetric method by FEC KFK-3. The total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) are represented by Carbon СО2 and НСО3-. All values of the studied compounds were obtained in mg/dm3. Subsequently, these parameters were calculated into molar concentrations (mmol/dm3). The dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) is represented by Phosphorus PO43-. The total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) are represented by Nitrogen`s NH4+, NO3-, NO2-. The ratios of DIC : DIR, DIC : DIN, DIN : DIR were calculate based on the molar concentrations of DIC, DIN and DIP. 15 imperative indicators of anthropogenic loading of territories were analyze. These areas are tangent to river sections where sampling of water was carried out, including: molar concentrations and the DIC, DIN, DIP ratio in well water, mineral fertilizer inputs on the crop area of the settlement, agricultural land under cultivated crops, agrochemical and agroecological bonites, humus content, N content, K content and P content in soils and cattle livestock. The application of the principal components method showed coherence between changes in DIN/DIP ratios and DIN-concentrations in the river waters and well waters. The dependence of the DIC/DIN and DIC were establish in the river water from humus content in the soil of the adjacent land.
Authors and Affiliations
Svitlana Rudenko, Oksana Lakusta
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