Influence of climatic factors on the formation of the content of dry soluble substances and sugars in cherry fruit

Journal Title: Agrology - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 1


The fruits of cherry belong to the category of prophylactic and therapeutic due to the balanced chemical composition: sugars, acids, tannins and coloring matters, vitamins. However, the quality of the fruits varies depending on the variety, growing zone, and especially under the influence of weather conditions. Just the weather conditions before harvesting have an influence on the fruit growing and productivity. Therefore, the purpose of the work was to establish the influence of such climatic indicators as the sum of effective temperatures of the period of vegetation and the phase of ripening, the amount of precipitation and the hydrothermal coefficient on the formation of the content of dry soluble substances and sugars in the fruits of cherry. The research was carried out on the basis of the Laboratory of the Department of Technology of Storage and processing of fruits and vegetables of Uman State University of Horticulture during 2013‒2017. As the objects of research were fruits of cherries of varieties Lotovka and Shpanka, grown in the Central region of Ukraine. In fruits were determined the content of dry soluble substances by the refractometric method and the total content of sugars by the ferricyanide method. In accordance with the results of research the weather conditions of the period of ripening of the fruit are affected on the formation of the content of dry soluble substances and sugar of fruits of cherry. It was established that the content of dry soluble substances is in the inverse average correlation dependence on the amount of precipitation for the cherry fruit of the Lotovka (‒0.76) and Shpanka (‒0.83) varieties. Between the hydrothermal coefficient and the content of dry soluble substances in both varieties was established the significant inverse correlation with the correlation coefficients ‒0.96 and ‒0.91. The regression equation is derived, whereby by means of the hydrothermal coefficients can predict the content of dry soluble substances in the fruits.

Authors and Affiliations

O. V. Vasylyshyna


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  • EP ID EP475610
  • DOI 10.32819/2617-6106.2018.14014
  • Views 139
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How To Cite

O. V. Vasylyshyna (2019). Influence of climatic factors on the formation of the content of dry soluble substances and sugars in cherry fruit. Agrology, 2(1), 27-30.