Influence of cumulated sexual trauma on sexual life and relationship of a patient
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 4
Aim . The assessment of links of accumulated traumatic events of a sexual nature, recol - lected from the past, with the current functioning of the patients in the area of sexual life and relationship. Material and methods. Comorbidity of memories of traumatic sexual events from child - hood and puberty in patients with the features of their current partner relationships and sexual life were analyzed on the basis of Live Inventory completed by 2,582 women and 1,347 men, before treatment in day hospital (years 1980-2002). The accumulation was evaluated for a combination of two or three selected events. Results . The presence of relatively numerous traumatic events in the field of sexuality – early initiation or enforced initiation, incest or its attempt, sub-optimal sexual education and punishment for masturbation was indicated. In some patients, these events occurred simultaneously. Especially in women, the presence in the same person of two or three aggra - vating circumstances of life was associated with a higher risk of among others fleeting, casual sexual contacts, marriage under the influence of environment pressures, reluctance to partner. Conclusions . Increased accumulation – the presence in the same patient of more than one adverse circumstances associated with sexual development – leads to a higher incidence of interference in relationship with a partner including the elements of sexual dysfunction. The obtained results are generally consistent with clinical observations and literature despite different, simplified methodology of the study based on the analysis of single variables from questionnaire interviews. Finding fewer links in the group of men can be explained by their much lower number in the study group and less frequent burdening with certain traumatic events or different experiencing.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Sobański, Katarzyna Klasa, Łukasz Müldner-Nieckowski, Edyta Dembińska, Krzysztof Rutkowski, Bogna Smiatek-Mazgaj, Michał Mielimąka
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