Influence of Customer Care Management Practices on Customer Loyalty at University of Cape Coast Water Unit (U-Splash), Ghana


The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of Customer Care Management Practices (CCMP) on customer loyalty at the University of Cape Coast Water Unit (UCCWU), Cape Coast, Ghana. The study further looked at the relationship between CCMP, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The correlational study design was employed. The sample size for the study was 260 customers. The lottery method of simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the respondents. Questionnaire was the instrument used in collecting data; even though three of the most experienced customers were interviewed randomly using the questionnaire as a guide. The study obtained 247 completed questionnaires from the respondents. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that mere positive perception of the unit’s CCMP on its’ own will not ameliorate the unit’s customer loyalty significantly. It will produce such a result only if this positive view on CCMP helps to make customers more satisfied with the unit’s products and services. These influences in the long run will ignite the total contribution of CCMP and customers’ satisfaction on customers’ loyalty. The study, therefore, recommended to management of the unit to lay much emphasis on customer focus, technology, organisational structure and business processes. This will ensure that customers of the unit have a sense of belongingness and also see their roles and contributions as crucial and indispensable to the success of the unit.

Authors and Affiliations

Millan Ahema Tawiah


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  • EP ID EP645104
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i9/3320
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How To Cite

Millan Ahema Tawiah (2017). Influence of Customer Care Management Practices on Customer Loyalty at University of Cape Coast Water Unit (U-Splash), Ghana. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(9), 232-243.