Influence of HRM Practices on Project Performance: Conceptual Framework


The main purpose of this paper is to conceptualize the importance of human resource management (HRM) practices towards project performance in the construction industry of Libya. HRM have been considered as the main source of sustainable competitive edge for the organization. It helps to create the workforce contribution, however there have not been extensive studies to fairly bleak the picture of employment practices and industrial relations specifically in the construction sector of Libya. The extensive literature having established the HRM-performance relationship, what is lacking is empirical research examining the mechanisms through which the relationships works. After reviewing the extant literature on HRM and performance, different conceptualisation have emerged. Perhaps the most important with regards to HRM practices is the concept of implementation reflecting to see the organisation succeed in its goals and feelings to being part of the organisation. This research will significantly contribute to provide new promising HRM framework that will tend to improve project performance in the construction industry.

Authors and Affiliations

Muneer Mohamed Imhmed Abuazoom, Hanizun Bin Hanafi, Zul Zakiyuddin Bin Ahmad


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  • EP ID EP603668
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i3/2691
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How To Cite

Muneer Mohamed Imhmed Abuazoom, Hanizun Bin Hanafi, Zul Zakiyuddin Bin Ahmad (2017). Influence of HRM Practices on Project Performance: Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(3), 47-54.