Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Root Growth, Flowering and Quality of Seed in French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Journal Title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 6


Aims: This study was undertaken to evaluate the influence of integrated nutrient management on root growth, flowering and quality of seed in french bean. Study Design: The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized design with three replications. The treatments consist of six nutrient levels viz., N1:Vermicompost (10t/ha) + PSB (15 g/kg seed) + P2O5 (80 kg/ha) + K2O (80 kg/ha), N2: Vermicompost (10 t/ha) + Rhizobium (15 g/kg seed) + PSB (15 g/kg seed) + P2O5 (80 kg/ha) + K2O (80 kg/ha), N3: Vermicompost (10 t/ha) + N (25 kg/ha) + Rhizobium (15 g/kg seed) + PSB (15 g/kg seed) + P2O5 (80 kg/ha) + K2O (80 kg/ha), N4: Vermicompost(10 t/ha) + N (50 kg/ha) + Rhizobium (15 g/kg seed) + PSB (15 g/kg) + P2O5 (80 kg/ha) + K2O (80 kg/ha), N5: Vermicompost(10 t/ha) + N (75 kg/ha) + Rhizobium (15 g/kg seed) + PSB (15 g/kg) + P2O5 (80 kg/ha) + K2O (80 kg/ha), N6: Vermicompost (10 t/ha) + N (100 kg/ha) + Rhizobium (15 g/kg seed) + PSB (15 g/kg) + P2O5 (80 kg/ha) + K2O (80 kg/ha) and three varieties viz., Arka Komal (V1), Contender (V2), and Swarna Priya (V3). Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was carried out at vegetable research field Department of Vegetable Science College of Horticulture, Mandsaur campus of RVSKVV Gwalior during rabi season 2013-14. Methodology: Biofertilizer viz. Rhizobium and PSB (Phosphorus Solubilising Bacteria) cultures were applied as seed treatment. Well decomposed vermicompost was incorporated in soil and mixed thoroughly as basal dose. Full dose of phosphorus, potash and ½ dose of nitrogen were applied as basal dose and ½ dose of nitrogen was applied as split one month after sowing. The source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash were urea, SSP and MOP, respectively. Sowing of healthy seed was done at a spacing of 45 cm × 15 cm. Recommended agronomic and plant protection practices were followed for raising healthy crop. Results: The findings revealed significant effect of varieties and nutrient levels on root growth, flowering and quality of seed in French bean. Among the different varieties of french bean, Swarna Priya recorded maximum fresh {52.44, 2655.22, 5611.38 and 3447.83 g at 30, 45, 60 days after sowing (DAS) and harvest stage, respectively} and dry (27.61, 32.05, 2454.33 and 2520.22 g at 30, 45, 60 DAS and harvest stage, respectively) weight of root. Earliest first flowering (24.22 days) was commenced in Contender. Lowest number of node (4.08) of first flower appearance was observed with variety Arka Komal. Highest test weight (58.90 g), crude protein content (42.31%), germination percentage (90.27) in seed, seed vigour index I (20262) and seed vigour index II (36.09) were found with Swarn Priya. Out of six nutrient levels application of N4 {Vermicompost(10 t/ha) + N (50 kg/ha) + Rhizobium (15 g/kg seed) + PSB (15 g/kg) + P2O5 (80 kg/ha) + K2O (80 kg/ha)} recorded highest quality attributes of seed. Though it caused delay in flowering and lesser root growth as compared to lower levels of nutrients but was better than higher levels of nutrients. Conclusion: Among the different varieties of french bean, Swarna Priya showed superior performance for root growth attributes and seed quality. Though, it was late in first flower appearance. Among the nutrient levels N4 resulted in the superior quality of seed in french bean. Though it had delayed flowering and lesser root growth as compared to lower levels of nutrients but was better over higher levels of nutrients.

Authors and Affiliations

Jayashri Barcchiya, S. S. Kushwah


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  • EP ID EP316739
  • DOI 10.9734/IJPSS/2017/34260
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How To Cite

Jayashri Barcchiya, S. S. Kushwah (2017). Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Root Growth, Flowering and Quality of Seed in French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 16(6), 1-7.