Influence of Meteorological Terms on Contamination Level Atmosphere of Landscapes Volyn Region


Purpose. Analysis of meteorological terms for the estimation of meteorological potential and his intercommu-nication with the levels of contamination of atmospheric air in the Volyn region by the state on 2015. Methods. Comparatively geographical, analytical, generalization, systematizations, and also cartographic with the use of the computer programs of Mapinfo Professional 8,0. Results. On the basis of analysis of meteorological quantities in 2015 the indexes of meteorological potential of atmosphere are expected for every month on six weather-stations of the Volyn region. Determined, that quantities of meteorological potential of atmosphere were favorable to the processes of dispersion of contaminents in January, April, May, July, on all weather-stations of region, and the processes of accumulation, which are predefined a presence mostly days with fogs and, prevailed in February, August, October and December the processes of accumulation, which are predefined a presence mostly days with fogs and winds with speed of 0-1 m/s in an autumn-winter period, prevailed. Most evenly on the weather-stations of region there were processes of both dispersion and accumulation of contaminents, midair in March, June, September and November. More active were the processes of dispersion of contaminents observed on weather-stations Lutsk, Lyubeshiv, Manevichi and Kovel, and processes of accumulation on weather-stations Svityaz' and Volodymyr-Volynsky is in August and February. Conclusions. The analysis of meteorological terms of the Volyn region confirms, that in central and Sonth districts, the processes of dispersion of contaminents prevail midair during a year, which allowed to place industrial objects. At Volodymyr-Volynsky and adjoining to him districts it is not recommended to build new enterprises in connection with predominance of processes of accumulation. In north-lands an area favourable natural and meteorological terms were formed for recreation, self-wiping of atmosphere.

Authors and Affiliations

M. V. Boiaryn, I. M. Netrobchuk, V. U. Voloshin


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M. V. Boiaryn, I. M. Netrobchuk, V. U. Voloshin (2016). Influence of Meteorological Terms on Contamination Level Atmosphere of Landscapes Volyn Region. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна серія "Екологія", 0(15), 58-66.