Influence of physicochemical parameters of saliva on dentition, gingivae and oral mucosa in healthy children
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2013, Vol 66, Issue 2
Introduction. Saliva fulfills an important protective role to all oral cavity tissues and any change in its properties leads to pathologies in the oral cavity. Aim of the study. To determine the relationship between the frequency and the severity of lesions in the oral cavity and the physicochemical parameters of saliva evaluated by GC Saliva-Check BUFFER test. Material and methods. In 65 generally healthy patients a clinical examination, evaluation of saliva parameters and statistical analysis were performed. Results. The incidence of dental caries was high in all children. The intensity of dental caries was described as high, oral hygiene status as good in all examined groups. Gingivitis was found in more than half of the patients, usually in the period of mixed dentition. Lesions of the mucosa were noted in 23% of children. Analysis of saliva parameters showed a normal level of hydration of the lower lip in 80% of subjects. The consistency of saliva in most subjects was watery clear (82.54%). Normal pH levels were reported in 73.8% of patients. Normal buffering capacity in 70.7%. Based on the correlation analysis, a statistically significant correlation was found between the hydration and OHI-S and between the occurrence of lesions of the mucous membrane and pH, DMF/DMFs and the buffering capacity in a group of permanent teeth; in deciduous dentition – between buffering capacity and dmft/dmfs and between pH and gingivitis. Conclusions. Reduction of stimulated saliva buffering capacity predisposes to the development of caries, and pH values of unstimulated saliva to gingivitis and mucosal changes.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Piróg, Angelika Kalińska, Dariusz Gozdowski, Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk
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