Influence of Previous Acute Coronary Syndrome on the Outcome of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Chronic Total Occlusion Lesion
Journal Title: International Journal of Research and Review - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 7
Background: Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO) intervention is a challenging area in coronary interventions. Incomplete revascularization results in increased morbidity and mortality. The influence of past CAD category- whether stable effort angina, unstable angina / NSTEMI and STEMI, on success of CTO intervention has not been studied in the past. The present study aims to bridge this gap in knowledge Materials and methods: This was a single center, prospective, observational cohort study. It was conducted from August 1st 2014 to June 30th 2015 and followed up for a period of 6 months. Results: Sixty nine (32.9%) had Chronic stable Angina, 48 (22.9 %) had UA/NSTEMI and 93 (44.2%) had STEMI. See figure1. In those with history of ACS (acute coronary syndrome), 64.78% (n=92) had ACS during the previous year and remaining 35.22% (n=49) had ACS prior to that. Procedural success in those with history of Chronic stable angina and no ACS was 72.5 % (n=50) and in UA/NSTEMI was 52% (n=25) and in those with STEMI was 73 % (n- 68); p .025. Conclusions:The procedural success was higher in patients who had STEMI or stable effort angina in the past. The fact that CTO intervention success rate in stable effort angina was equal to that in patients who had old STEMI was interesting. It was less in patients who had unstable angina and NSTEMI
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Mathew Iype
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