Influence of pulse electric field on the surface properties of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum and biogenic formation of ultradisperse silver
Journal Title: Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 2
Some species of lactic acid bacteria, due to the specific supramolecular surface layers, may be used for biogenic synthesis of practically monodisperse silver nanoparticles. Biological practicable effects of low pulse electric fields (no more than several tens of volt/centimeter) attract the researchers’ interest pointed at their application in biotechnologies, medicine etc. For this reason, we investigated the surface biogenic effects of pulse electric fields in the system including the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum and electrolyte solution of different composition. The study tested a dependence between the bacteria surface hydrophobicity and electrokinetic potential and the parameters of pulse electric field. Surface modification of L. plantarum cell under pulse electric field treatment with pulse height 20–70 V, frequency band 100–10000 Hz and pulse duration 10 and 100 microsecond specified the conditions of biogenic silver nanoparticles formation induced by additional discharge of cell metabolite. Under the hydrophobization conditions, cells synthesized more mobile, less sized and less aggregated particles. At the same time, surface hydrophobization specified the condition for large cluster structures formation which include polysaccharides/polypeptides and silver ultrafine particles. The method of low electric field treatment with pulse height 20 V and frequency band 500–2000 Hz seems to be more favorable for biogenic intracellular formation of the stabilized silver nanoparticles. Such approach may be useful under development of a new antibacterial and fungicide cell based material impregnated with ultradisperse substances.
Authors and Affiliations
V. I. Podolska, O. Yu. Voitenko, Z. R. Ulberg, L. M. Yakubenko, N. I. Grishchenko, V. N. Ermakov
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