Influence of the new herbal remedy containing dry extracts of White Mulberry leaves, Common Bean shells and Blueberry shoots on blood lipids if experimental Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Topicality. A rapid trend towards the incidence and prevalence of diabetes has created an alarming situation around the world. Complex treatment for patients with diabetes with dislipoproteinemia should include agents that will affect all metabolic disorders, including changes in lipid metabolism, which will provide for the prevention of vascular complications. Aim. To determine the specific activity of the new herbal remedy by comparing the lipid metabolism indices with the experimental model of type 2 diabetes induced by the introduction of streptozotocin with the prior nicotinamide administration. Materials and methods. A type 2 diabetes mellitus was reproduced by administering streptozotocin with prior nicotinamide administration to mature male rats. The aqueous solutions of investigational agents were administered intragastrically for four weeks, after which the parameters of the lipid blood spectrum were determined. Results and discussion. Herbal remedy reliably reduces the concentration of total lipids, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low and very low-density lipoprotein compared to the control group in the experimental model of type 2 diabetes. Such changes led to a significant decrease in the atherogenicity coefficient – by 37.7 % relative to the control group, which was 13.8 % and 10.9 % lower than the reference groups that received the infusion of Arfazetin and metformin respectively. Conclusions. The obtained results indicate the further research feasibility into the possibility of using the new phytoplankton for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes and diabetic dislipoproteinemia.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Dub, I. Klishch


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  • DOI 10.24959/ubphj.19.211
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How To Cite

A. Dub, I. Klishch (2019). Influence of the new herbal remedy containing dry extracts of White Mulberry leaves, Common Bean shells and Blueberry shoots on blood lipids if experimental Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Український біофармацевтичний журнал, 59(2), 38-43.