Influence of the Structural Parameters of Woven Fabrics on their Drapeability
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2017, Vol 25, Issue 1
Drape is a very important utility parameter of fabrics, especially applied in clothing. It influences the aesthetic effect of clothing, in particular its fitting to the user’s body. Fabric draping is the result of interaction between gravitation and various fabric characteristics. In the work presented, cotton woven fabrics of different structure were measured in the range of their drapeability. The fabrics differed from each other in the range of their weave and linear density of weft yarn. Measurement of the fabrics was made by means of a fabric drape tester. Results of the measurement were analysed in the aspect of the relationships between the drape of the fabrics and their parameters, such as the kind of weft yarn, weave, weft density and stiffness. Results confirmed that for the group of fabrics investigated, their stiffness is the most significant property influencing the drapeability of fabrics. Additionally different weaves result in different values of the drape coefficient and shape factor.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Matusiak
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