Influence of two management systems on the growth performance of adult African giant land snails (Archachatina marginata)

Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2019, Vol 11, Issue 2


African gaint land snails are important as means of alleviating acute protein shortage in Nigeria livestock Industries. The present study aimed to study the influence of intensive and extensive management systems on the growth Performance of adult African Giant Land Snails (Archachatina marginata) was carried out in the wildlife domestication unit of the Department of Forest Resources and Wildlife Management, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. Ninety  African giant land snails (A. marginata) of average body weight 160.31g ± 0.38g were used for the study. The snails were grouped into two- Group A and Group B. 45 snails in group A were raised in an intensive system of management while 45 snails in group B were raised in an extensive system of management. The data collected on weight gain, shell length increment and shell width increment during the experiment were subjected to student t-Test at 5% significant level. Results showed that there was a significant difference at (p<0.05) in the weight gain. The intensive management system had a higher weight gain of 128.96g with mean value of 4.96 while the extensive management system had a weight gain of 88.37g with mean value of 3.40. There was no significant difference at (p>0.05) in the shell length increment. The snails in the extensive management system had the higher shell length increment of 5.32cm with mean value of 0.20 while the snails in the intensive management system had a shell length increment of 2.43cm with mean value of 0.09. There was a significant difference at (p<0.05) in the shell width increment. The snails in the extensive management system had the higher shell width increment of 9.31cm with mean value of 0.36 while the snails in the intensive management system had a shell width increment of 4.30cm with mean value of 0.17. The snails in the intensive system had a Feed Conversion Ratio of 5.03. For better growth performance of A. marginata in terms of weight gain, snail farmers should raise their snails in an intensive system of management and formulated diet should be used in feeding the snails along side with natural feed such as leaves and fruits.

Authors and Affiliations

Z. Dododawa, B. N. Ejidike


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  • EP ID EP588681
  • DOI 10.31018/jans.v11i2.2073
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How To Cite

Z. Dododawa, B. N. Ejidike (2019). Influence of two management systems on the growth performance of adult African giant land snails (Archachatina marginata). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(2), 424-428.