Influence of tympanic membrane changes on immittance and extended frequency audiometric findings
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 5
SUMMARY Introduction: The aim of the study is to analyze the relatinship between otoscopic tympanic membrane abnormalities, results of impedanace and extended-high-frequency audiometry in subjects with history of treatment of secretory otitis media (SOM) and ventilation tube insertion. Material and methods: 97 subjects treated because of SOM were exa-mined in years 1999-2000. Videootoscopic examinations, extended-high-frequency audiometry and tympanometry with ispilateral acoustic reflex were performed in each patient. The results were analysed in three groups: no otoscopic abnormalities (BZO), retraction pockets (KR) and atrophy and myringosclerosis (AM). The results were compared to otologicaly healthy control group in the same age. Results: The most common tympanic membrane abnormality were focal atrophy (64.7%) of ears and myringosclerosis (37.2%). Mean pure-tone audiometric threshold were significantly higher in groups KR and AM than in control and BZO groups. Low degree of positive correlation was found between the presence of myringosclerosis and atrophy and audiometric thresholds above 1 kHz. No such correlation was observed with the presence of retraction pockets. In the BZO group middle ear admittance was observed significantly higher than in control group. The absent ipsilateral stapedial reflex was observed in 10.8% ears in BZO group, 16.9% in AM and 33.3% in KR. No correlation was found between the parameters of tympanometric evaluation and results of extended-high-frequency audiometry. Conclusions: In ears treated because of SOM with ventilation tube insertion the middle ear compliance is higher. In the presence of myringosclerosis and atrophy higher audiometric thresholds are observed. Tympanic membrane abnormalities have been more clearly indicated by the absent ipsilateral stapedial reflex than tympanometry.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Hassmann-Poznańska, Artur Goździewski, Małgorzata Pisz, Hanna Zajączkiewicz, Bożena Skotnicka
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