Influence Social Media Instagram, Price & Product Quality to Purchase Intention(Case Study on Make up Go Mobile)
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 8
Abstract:This study aims to analyze the positive and significant influence of social media instagram on the intention of purchasing online partially, the effect of Quality of Products / Services on the intention of buying online partially, the price positively and significantly influence the intention to buy online partially, and the influence of social media instagram, price & quality of product / service tointention to buy online simultaneously. The population of this study is the Customer who became follower MGM Instagram. With the classification of Customer who became follower MGM Instagram at least 1 year. While the number of samples from the population number 1.101 People with a 5 percent MOE at a 5 percent confidence level based on the slovin formula is 289 samples. Quantitative analysis method using multiple linear regression analysis, followed by determination analysis (R Square), partial hypothesis testing (t test) and simultaneous (F test) with alpha (α) 5 percent (0,05). Prior to further analysis, data quality and classical assumption test are done. Analytical tool using SPSS version 23.0 for windows. The results showed that social media instagram have positive and significant effect on Partial online purchasing intention, Product / Service Quality to Partial Buying Online partially, price positively and significantly influences partial online purchasing intention, and instagram social media influence, price & product / service quality againstintention to buy online simultaneously. Keywords: Social media, price, products quality, purchase intention online.
Authors and Affiliations
Hapzi Ali, Bendi Ali Akbar
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