Objective: Sickle cell disease (SCD), described as a group of inherited blood disorders, affects millions of people throughout the world and is particularly common in the southern part of Turkey. We aimed to determine th...
Objective: Glucocorticoids (GCs) are the key drugs for the treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Herein, investigation of the relationship between the N363S and BclI polymorphisms of the GC receptor...
To the Editor,
Dr. Köseler and her colleagues reported the presence of δ- thalassemia in 3 out of 12 patients carrying the β-thalassemia trait with low HbA2 in the recent issue of this journal without giving any explana...
EP ID EP364536
DOI 10.4274/tjh.2018.0089
Views 79
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How To Cite
Sora Yasri, Viroj Wiwanitkit (2018). Influenza A Infection and Stem Cell Mobilization. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 35(2),
139-140. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-364536
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