Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 12
В статье рассматривается информационный подход к исследованию социокультурных систем; акцентирован авторский взгляд на него и современную проблематику информационной культурологии. Позиционируются принцип прямого процесса генерации информации в социуме и архитектонический принцип построения информационной системы культуры как триединство доминантной идеи, центра ее распространения и соответствующего однородного информационного пространства. Автор статьи на примере белорусской культуры XIX века раскрывает значимость этих принципов в динамике формирования информационного пространства культуры (ИПК). Modern problems of information culturology and the information approach to analyzable sociocultural systems are regarded in the article. The author has taken the point of view that the information approach must to correspond to the information dimension of sociocultural systems. Direct processes of information generation in a social medium as a shaping principle and the architectonical principle of forming of cultural information systems are described. As an example, the author treats these principles in cultural dynamic of forming of Belarusian information space in XIX century. Northwest Territory of Russian Empire was multicultural, multiconfessional and multilanguage region when the territory was annexed in XVIII century. The principal idea touched upon in the research is that the phenomenon of new Belarusianinformation space was founded as the result of transformation communication system at the territory (modern Belarus) in XIX century. A vital information in social medium can create differentsociocultural structures and increase these quantities if there are good outward conditions. Belarusian idea as a cultural code and marker has created one‟s information space in Northwest Territory of Russian Empire. It wasone‟s levels of information cultural space such as education, science, local press etc. There were Belarusiangovernment (1796–1802), Belarusian government-general (1772–1856), Belarusian educational district (1829–1850) and forming Belarusian science (history, literature, ethnography, archeology etc.). Every sociocultural structurearises as consequences of a vast cultural-historical process that isaccompanied by information generation, replication, preservation, structuration; and that process cannotbeen finished. Culturology term „information space of culture‟ is not a part or a subsystem, it‟s only information dimension of all cultural space. It is very important that the analyzable cultural object cannot be an abstraction. The information space of culture will be enlarge if to keep the principle of direct processes of information generation in a social medium. The architectonical principle of forming of cultural information systems consists in structural integrity of the cultural idea, its broadcast center and adapted information space. In this case, an information space and system put together. In real life, information processes of forming of cultural chronotops are stretched out in space and time because people and information can move freely and existence independently. Only the information that anyone cultural community creates oneself will be have a special significance for their information space of culture.
Authors and Affiliations
S. Soroko
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