Information Security of Computer Systems and Networks


The article deals with the system for the audit of information security of computer systems and networks developed within the framework of the dissertation research. The first part of the system is the control center of the system, with which the operator, the auditor works directly. The second part is a knowledge base that is presented as a SQL server in the system. The third part is a device or node, an audit tool provider, or an attack module. The control center is the main and controls all other nodes, with it directly staff. The control center of the system must be connected to the database server, which has a knowledge base, and a connection to the module of the tools provider must be provided. The knowledge base in the system is represented by a relational database of SQL. The primary tasks of the audit tool provider are to accept and execute instructions from the control center, and since the control center will attempt to contact it using the SSH protocol, the provider must be able to deploy the SSH server and accept the connection. The system is developed in such a way as to make decisions by working closely with the user. The system allows you to capture the number of facts that people may not reach, or it becomes inconvenient. The system does not forbid inclusion in the calculation of facts that interest the user - on the contrary, it complements them, in the event that the inclusion of one custom fact will not affect the operation of the system, because the data associated with it are outside the current state of the factual database, or Products that actively use this fact are beyond the "interests" of the expert system, with the data that it currently has. At the moment two versions of the system have been developed, both of them can be considered as early alpha versions. In the first version, attention was focused on the interaction of nodes of the system and the main mechanisms of the expert system. In the second version, the structure of the system has been redesigned so that the system becomes more flexible to scaling.

Authors and Affiliations

Vitaliy Khokh


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  • EP ID EP509278
  • DOI 10.32515/2409-9392.2018.31.147-181
  • Views 47
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How To Cite

Vitaliy Khokh (2018). Information Security of Computer Systems and Networks. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки, 31(), 174-181.