Innovation and technology policy states
Journal Title: Економічний вісник університету - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 30
The article presents the main characteristics of innovation policy, as an economic category. In light of the consideration of the interpretations proposed own definition of a «state innovation policy». The stages of formation of innovation policy. Summarizes the features of the innovative and technological policy in individual countries. The innovation process involves a broad intellectual aspects of the study and identifying the main directions, monitoring implementation, expectations, and time constraints of such tools as programs and projects, adaptability to the challenges of a dynamic economy, the development of which is determined by innovation, especially in times of crisis, and therefore acquires the value of the innovation and technology policy. In the present paper an attempt is made to generalize the theoretical domain on the contents of the categories «state innovation policy», to explore the theoretical and strategic aspects of formation of innovative and technological policy of Ukraine and States.
Authors and Affiliations
Liudmyla Melnyk
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