Innovation versus structural changes in employment in the light of the available statistical data in podlaskie voivodeship

Journal Title: Optimum. Economic Studies - Year 2018, Vol 92, Issue 2


Aim – The study aimed at defining the role of innovation as a factor related to shaping the regional labor market. The Author, based on the results of the available data, attempted to define the relation between innovative activity companies and employment and to verify the hypothesis that the implementation of innovation has influence on the increase of working positions and results in a change in the structure of employment in the region. Research methodology – The paper presents selected data from the Central Statistical Office, including mainly the results concerning the outlays on R&D, the activity of companies in Podlaskie voivodeship, and employment, including the division into PKD sections from 2007. On the basis of the conducted study there was conducted analysis of the impact that the implementation of innovations in particular sections has had on the increase of employment in them. Result – The influence of innovation on employment is connected to so-called creative destruction, which means that on the one hand innovation destroys existing working positions, but on the other hand it creates new ones – more specialized and requiring new knowledge. Originality/value – The analysis of the impact of implementing innovations on the employment level in particular sections of Podlaskie voivodeship.

Authors and Affiliations

Kinga Karpińska


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  • EP ID EP424727
  • DOI 10.15290/oes.2018.02.92.17
  • Views 54
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How To Cite

Kinga Karpińska (2018). Innovation versus structural changes in employment in the light of the available statistical data in podlaskie voivodeship. Optimum. Economic Studies, 92(2), 227-240.