Innovative approach towards building competitive prepotency - based on the example of Umi Hotel
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
The progressive processes of globalization which are accompanied by competitive growth within the domestic and international market cause that companies face very tough and difficult challenge of formulating that sort of strategies that may ensure them permanent prevalence over competitors. So, they try to offer their customers better quality of given products and services, lower price and higher level of the provided services which are connected with appropriate management of the information flow – “from” and “to” the cus-tomer. There are ergo three basic and essential elements of competitiveness: price, quality and information. The distinguishing feature within the competitiveness is a set of competences among which may be found the architecture of business, innovativeness or the idea of the CSR which not only create the positive image of the company but also constitute the fundament of the supremacy. The aim of this article is to present what is the role of the CSR concept in building the competitive prepotency of contemporary enterprise. As an example of the study the British company Umi Hotel is presented. First part of the article is dedicated to the consideration of the competitiveness concept its essence and origin. Second part CSR concept and its execution in Umi Hotel is presented. Not only information about general practices of the CSR which are exercised by the Umi Hotel are discussed but also very detailed profile of CSR’s activities in a such fields as employees, natural environment, health and safety, market and local community is provided and described.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Teneta-Skwiercz
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