Innovative nature of architectural creation of Victor Horta

Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2015, Vol 19, Issue 2


The Belgian architect Victor Horta, was one of the first and also one of the most outstanding representatives of Art Nouveau in architecture. The innovative character of his works had a significant impact on the development of 20th century architecture. Among buildings designed by Horta a group of luxury private residences in Brussels deserve special attention and therefore are the subject of this paper. These are: Hôtel Tassel (1893–1894) at Rue Paul-Emile Janson, Hôtel van Eetvelde (1897–1901) on the Palmerston Avenue and Maison et Atelier Horta (1898–1901) on the Rue Américaine. The mentioned buildings have been identified as the pioneering works, extremely important for the further development of both Art Nouveau and modern architecture. Because of this reason they were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000. Their distinguishing innovative features were: open and free plan, common and consistent introduction of daylight to all living areas, modern and boldly exposed structure and the comprehensive decorative concept. Other important elements of the new design were: the creative way to derive inspiration from nature, the use of organic structure, the use of a stairway for the light and air distribution throughout the building, introduction of skylights and winter gardens, efficient use of electric lighting to create the ambience in architecture, innovative heating and ventilation systems, expressiveness of the natural materials beauty as well as bold and modern use of iron and glass. All the features mentioned above were the essence of the 20th century architecture.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Widera


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  • EP ID EP122600
  • DOI 10.5277/arc150208
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How To Cite

Barbara Widera (2015). Innovative nature of architectural creation of Victor Horta. Architectus, 19(2), 79-90.