Innovative services of companies in Podlaskie district
Journal Title: Optimum. Economic Studies - Year 2018, Vol 93, Issue 3
Goal – The aim of the paper is to examine the opinions of managers from Podlaskie district on innovations in services and to check whether the range of the provided services is accepted by service receivers. Research methodology – The e-survey is directed at the managers of Polish companies in Podlaskie district. By means of the Pearson correlation coefficient, there was also performed another analysis which is related to the connections of the profile questions with the survey questions as well as between the questions that had been coupled. Score – The research shows that the analyzed subsector of services is an interesting area in the context of innovations on the micro scale, and thus it has potential for further study. Local service industries that feature progressive services and flexibility factors towards customers have been identified here. Pearson’s factor revealed the situations discourage managers to introduce progressive services on the market. Thus, the lower the degree of market saturation, the greater is the tendency to introduce those services. On the other hand, when the market assures prices that provide a high level of profitability, companies do not have motivation to introduce services of progressive character. Originality/value – There has been no similar research in the literature. In the paper there have been identified local service industries that feature progressive services and flexibility factors towards customers. It constitutes a precious market recommendation that is necessary for the managers of service companies from Podlaskie district to make proper decisions.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Skąpska
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