Innovative technology of cultivation of winter rye on drained lands
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 5
On the drained lands of the non-chernozem zone, more favourable conditions for overwintering winter rye plants, their growth and development, and increase in productivity are created with a comb-like a ribbon–scattered method of sowing. The seeds of winter rye with this method of sowing are laid with a band on the levelled soil surface in front of the rollers. The rollers push the seeds into the soil and are closed by the pickets by heating the soil to the belt with the formation of a finely ridged surface. Plants are placed on crests of 40–80 mm high with a ribbon 13–15 cm wide. The profiling of the surface significantly changes the agrophysical state of the seed layer, raises the level of stable aeration of the soil, improves the conditions of autumn development and wintering of plants. The rate of tillering in rye plants is increased by 8.5–21.5%, the biomass of one plant by 11.7–25.0%, the number of preserved plants after wintering by 12.5–19.1%. Method of planting on the crests reduces the contamination of rye crops, the destruction of plants by snow mould and root rot, increases the area of the leaf surface and the photosynthetic potential of crops. Yields increased by 12.8–17.5% and direct costs for the production of 1 ton of grain are reduced by 9.4–11.1%. In conditions of increased moisture, the comb-like the ribbon–scattered method of sowing has higher adaptability to soil–meliorative and weather conditions. In conditions of increased moisture, the comb-like the ribbon–scattered method of sowing has higher adaptability to soil–meliorative and weather conditions. The high efficiency of the innovative method of harrowing the combed sowings of winter rye is established. The increment of winter rye harvests from harrowing is 0.76 t /ha. The increase in yield is achieved due to all elements of the crop structure: the number of productive stems, the number of grains in the ear and the mass of 1000 grains.
Authors and Affiliations
Yu. Mitrofanov, O. Antsiferova, L. Pugacheva, S. Lukiyanov
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