Instagram as a Publication and Archiving Media for the General Election Supervisory Agency
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 11
An organized documentation process with good archival management is very important for any institution, including the General Election Supervisory Body. In the current era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, archiving media is not only through physical filing but also through digital media, one of which is through the use of Instagram. This research aims to analyze the model for utilizing Instagram accounts as archiving media for the General Election Supervisory Agency using the analysis knife theory, namely politics and archiving. The method in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Furthermore, the data that has been collected through the literature study is then interpreted so that a deeper and broader meaning and meaning can be obtained regarding the results of the research carried out. Based on the research results, it is known that the model for utilizing Instagram accounts as archiving media for the General Election Supervisory Agency is implemented based on a good governance perspective with its relevance in the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 towards achieving a Smart City. This utilization is carried out with government innovation in archiving to support Smart City via social media Instagram in a tri-s synergistic manner, namely from government actors, non-government actors, and community actors.
Authors and Affiliations
Fuzy Firda Zhan, Etika Khairina, Eri Wahyudin
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