Інституціональний аспект заохочувальних норм кримінального права


У статті досліджено питання інституціонального аспекту заохочувальних норм кримінального права. Традиційно в кримінальному праві виокремлюються предметні інститути, що пов’язані зі злочином та покаранням. Заохочувальні норми не вписуються в межі предметного інституту, оскільки мають також і функціональну своєрідність. Дійдено висновку, що інституційний аспект заохочувальних норми полягає в утворенні самостійного предметно-функціонального інституту кримінального права, ознаками якого є: 1) наявність специфічного методу й предмета правового регулювання, 2) наявність блоків правових норм, 3) правова своєрідність та функціональна спрямованість норм, 4) особливість юридичної конструкції норм. In the article the question of institutional incentive aspect of criminal law. Traditionally substantive criminal law distinguishes institutions associated with crime and punishment. Incentive regulation does not fit into the limits of the objective of the Institute, as must also the functional identity. The criminal law is traditionally considered as a system of substantive legal institutions, the main of which are divided into the Institute of General and institutions of Special parts. The latter are divided into more specific institutions, which in turn consist of already mentioned criminal law. In legal literature expressed different views on the number and content of the penal institutions. However, the development of modern criminal law is not only produced new institutions and substantive criminal law, but also that there are new, formed by few other features, cross-cutting, functional institutions. Sources establishment of functional institutions acting alternative, custom rules that make exceptions to the general procedure. It is the latter include encouraging criminal law. Given the unity of the subject and method of legal regulation, they form a sufficiently coherent and relatively autonomous system of regulatory requirements, legal regime which provides incentives lawful socially useful behavior in criminal law. Thus, we conclude that encouraging criminal law form a "pass-through" functional institution of criminal law. The unity of these elements creates objective information system, the foundation of stimulating incentive charge standards. As the entire legal education, structural elements incentive rules reflect the peculiarities stimulants, how criminal legal sanctions aimed at effective implementation of criminal relations. The basis of the stimulating effect of encouraging structural elements of criminal law creates incentive sanction. High degree of promotion excluding criminal responsibility stimulated actions in terms of self-defense, emergency, detention of a person who committed a crime and so on. Exemption from criminal liability encouraged positive behavior in the form of effective repentance, reconciliation with the victim and the perpetrator others. Therefore, it must be emphasized that it is available mainly encouraging sanctions and legal structures is the feature promotional rules. It is concluded that the institutional aspect of incentive norms is the formation of an independent subject-functional institution of criminal law, signs are: 1) the presence of a specific method and the subject of legal regulation, 2) the units of law, 3) legal originality and functional orientation norms 4 ) feature a legal construction standards.

Authors and Affiliations

Петро Васильович Хряпінський


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Петро Васильович Хряпінський (2017). Інституціональний аспект заохочувальних норм кримінального права. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 78(2), 177-186. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416891