Institutional Delivery Trend in Assam- Metadata Analysis of Large Scale Health Surveys in India
Journal Title: National Journal of Community Medicine - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 7
Background: Although widespread progress has been made in recent decades, women, children and ado-lescents still face numerous health challenges, with many factors often affecting each other. This study conducted to analyze trend of insti-tutional delivery in districts of As-sam based on large demographic survey and to assess the relation-ship with ANC check up and MMR. Methods: Secondary data related to Annual health survey (AHS)-baseline, AHS-2nd updation, Na-tional Family Health Survey (NFHS), Health Management in-formation system (HMIS)-2016-17, DLHS-III. Analysed using appro-priate software package and ex-pressed in terms of proportion, mean, regression etc. Observations: As per AHS 2nd up-dation, NFHS 4 and HMIS (16-17) overall Assam institutional delivery rate is 65.9%, 70.6% and 86.55% re-spectively. Comparing between AHS baseline and 2nd updation, a decreasing trend observed in 10 dis-trict of Assam; 10.1% increase in de-liveries occurring in govt. institution and Caesarean section in govt insti-tution ranges 5.1%- 18.4% (Assam-10.6%). Significant relationship in Antenatal check up, decline in ma-ternal mortality ratio (MMR) with institutional delivery. Conclusion: The present analysis observed inter-district variation which is evident from antenatal vis-it coverage and institutional deliv-ery rates and significant.
Authors and Affiliations
Ajit Kumar Dey
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