Institutional Protection Scheme w sektorze banków spółdzielczych w Polsce - modelowe rozwiązania Institutional Protection Scheme in the cooperative banking sector in Poland - model solutions


The purpose of this article is to review both current and newly admitted principles of creating IPS contained in the regulations of the European Union, and to validate the effects of their use in the Polish cooperative banks. According to the author IPS systems should be set up in Poland on the basis of the existing affiliations of cooperative banks with strengthening the role of affiliating banks and entrusting them with the functions of the effective center of management of the entire affiliation. Conversion of existing affiliations in the IPS will not only enable the practical realization of the idea of self-help, but also help with achieving measurable business and regulatory benefits. The most important benefit will be reduction of capital requirements and increase of ability to meet the new short-term liquidity standard.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Koleśnik


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  • EP ID EP169469
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2013.47.3.283
  • Views 44
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How To Cite

Jan Koleśnik (2013). Institutional Protection Scheme w sektorze banków spółdzielczych w Polsce - modelowe rozwiązania Institutional Protection Scheme in the cooperative banking sector in Poland - model solutions. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(0), 283-291.