Instructional Model and the Application of Biotechnology Knowledge Creativity in Biotechnology by Science High School Students in the Anglophone Subsection of Education in Cameroon
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2020, Vol 4, Issue 2
This study was a pretest and posttest experimental research design which set out to investigate the impact of an Instructional model Ekwale Ada's Instructional Model on the application of biotechnology knowledge by high school students in the Anglophone Subsection of Education in Cameroon. That is to investigate whether students taught with the Ekwale Ada's Instructional Model for Biotechnology Knowledge Application exhibit a higher level of creativity innovation in biotechnology than students who were taught without the model traditional methods of teaching . The Ekwale Ada's Instructional Model for Biotechnology Knowledge Application was an instructional package which integrated Inquiry based learning Hands on , collaborative learning cooperative learning , Demonstrations, increase in the length of time learners are engaged in activities, Scaffolding and Remediation. The target population was upper sixth science students in the Anglophone Subsection of Education in the North West Region, South West Region, and some displaced upper sixth science students from North West and South West Regions into the Littoral Region for the 2018 2019 academic year. The researcher constructed a Biotechnology Application Test BAT in the form of a pretest and a post test. These tests contained three sections An MCQ section, a short answer section and a section in which practical activities were carried out.The indicator of biotechnology knowledge application was creativity innovation in biotechnology. For creativity innovation in biotechnology, the researcher created an inventory for the respondents to attend to which involved Designing one equipment with the drawing materials provided which could be constructed with local materials and should be the best that can be used to produce the biotechnology product that will solve the societal problem identified Construction of a list of recipes Materials and their quantities for the production of the biotechnology product using locally available materials Development of a step by step procedure for the production of the product method Designing a parcelling package for the product using the materials provided Labeling the parceling package of the product detailly and Designing an advertisement for the product. A five point inventory scale was created by the researcher which ranged from excellent 5 marks Good 4 marks average 3 marks below average 2 marks and poor 1mark which was used to grade the extent of creativity innovation in biotechnology. The students who were taught with the Ekwale Ada's Instructional Model for biotechnology knowledge Application experimental group scored higher in creativity innovation than those who were taught with traditional methods control group with a calculated independent t test value of 64.58 for the experimental group and 1.40 for the control group with a critical t value of 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance with 70 degrees of freedom. The sample of the study was 72 upper sixth science students who offer biology 36 students for the experimental group and 36 students for the control group . Out of the 36 students from both the experimental and control groups, 18 were males and 18 were females making a total of 36 males and 36 females for the whole experiment. The sample was obtained from one government school, one mission school and one lay private school in each region. In the North West Region, 24 students were sampled 12 males and 12 females 08 from GBHS Bayelle, 08 from St Paul High School Nkwen and 08 from St Michael's High School . 24 students were sampled in the South West Region 12 males and 12 females 08 from GHS Buea, 08 from Baptist High School Buea and 08 from Frankfils Comprehensive College Buea . In the Littoral Region, 24 displaced students 12 from the North West Region and 12 from the South West Region were sampled 12 males and 12 females 08 from GBHS Bonaberi, 08 from PHS Douala and 08 from Mother Theresa College Bonaberi Douala .The study was an experimental study in which a teacher made pretest was administered to both the experimental and control groups the students of the experimental group were taught with the Ekwale Ada's Instructional Model for biotechnology knowledge application treatment while those of the control group were taught without the model traditional methods of teaching . After the treatment, a teacher made post test was administered to the experimental and the control groups. The experimental group was located in `GHS Mamfe in the South West of Cameroon while the control group was located in Progressive Comprehensive High School Bamenda in the North West of Cameroon.One non directional hypothesis was stated in both the null and alternate forms. The null hypothesis was 1. There is no significant difference in creativity innovation in biotechnology between students taught with the Ekwale Ada's model and those who were taught without the model. The data for the pre test and the post test for the experimental group and control group were collected in the form of scores. The independent t test was used to find out the difference in means of the scores of the pretest of the experimental group and the control group and the difference in means of the scores of the posttest of the experimental group and the control group. The null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate hypothesis was retained. They indicated that there was a significant difference in the means of the post test of the experimental group and the control group.The result of the study was 1. There was a significant difference in creativity innovation in biotechnology between students taught with the Ekwale Ada's model and those who were taught without the model. The experimental group on whom the treatment was administered performed significantly better 64.58 than the control group 1.40 on whom the treatment was not administered. Ekwale Emilia Ada ""Instructional Model and the Application of Biotechnology Knowledge (Creativity in Biotechnology) by Science High School Students in the Anglophone Subsection of Education in Cameroon"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020, URL: Paper Url :
Authors and Affiliations
Ekwale Emilia Ada
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