Integral estimation of the social partnership impact on the staff development

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 1


Introduction. Ukraine's transition to a market economy has changed the content of social and labour relations and allocation of functions between the social partners. In such conditions, the social partnership performs not only protective, organizational and peacekeeping functions, but also the function of the human capital development. The positive experience with the social partnership system’s application in the staff developed gives the basis for actively implements it in Ukrainian realities. Meanwhile, the study of social partnership exactly at the microeconomic level reveals the contradictions between employers and employees in the matter of social and labour relations, and human resources development in particular. Purpose. The article aims to develop methods of integral estimation of the social partnership impact on the staff development at the microeconomic level. It will allow to justify the measures to strengthen the interaction between social partnership and staff development in purpose to improve the firm operating results. Method (methodology). A systematic approach in the construction for the influence of the social partnership system on firm operating results, a logical generalization in the method validation of measuring employee development results, an analysis and synthesis for justification of staff development’s operational recommendations at microeconomic level and for determination indicators of the impact of social partnership on the staff development, a method of expert evaluations and an integrated assessment method for constructing a model of assessing the impact of the social partnership on the staff development have been used in the research. Results. In the article the integral estimation’s methodology of the social partnership’s impact on the staff development has been introduced. It contains the indicators validation for the estimation, the sequence of the evaluation and contents of it. According to the results of the assessment the alternative measures to improve employee development through activation of social partnership at the microeconomic level are proposed. The results have significantly deepen methodical bases of staff development’s management on the basis of an integrated assessment of the state of social partnership’s development, operating results and employee development at the enterprise.

Authors and Affiliations

Oksana Sytnyk


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How To Cite

Oksana Sytnyk (2017). Integral estimation of the social partnership impact on the staff development. Економічний аналіз, 27(1), 230-239.