Integrated projects as the instrument of the development of functional areas using the example of Bialystok Functional Area

Journal Title: Optimum. Economic Studies - Year 2018, Vol 93, Issue 3


Goal – The objective of the paper is to identify the character of the integration of projects realized using EU funds in Bialystok Functional Area (BFA). There was formulated hypothesis which implies that integrated projects constitute the majority of undertakings realized within the instrument of integrated territorial investments (ITI) in BFA. Research methodology – The analysis was based both on the subject literature and data from the institution responsible for the policy of BFA development, i.e. The Association of Bialystok Functional Area on the basis of information included in the SL 2014 system within the research conducted from 20th to 31stJuly 2018. Score – The conducted analysis of integrated projects in BFA showed that they constitute an essential instrument in implementing the adopted development strategy of the functional area when considerable amount of funds is necessary to finance such enterprises. Originality/value – The paper’s value lies in the description and assessment of integrated projects using the example of BFA. It is a new way of conducting the development policy of these areas, which may be the basis for planning the strategy for the subsequent years.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Busłowska, Kamil Waligóra


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  • EP ID EP500517
  • DOI 10.15290/oes.2018.03.93.22
  • Views 49
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How To Cite

Anna Busłowska, Kamil Waligóra (2018). Integrated projects as the instrument of the development of functional areas using the example of Bialystok Functional Area. Optimum. Economic Studies, 93(3), 281-293.