Integrative Concept of Social Tension: Methodology, Conceptual Scheme, Pragmatics
Journal Title: Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue
The paper proposes an integrative concept of social tension (ST). The relevance of the issue is determined by vague definitions of social tension itself, by a fairly large number of satellite concepts (conflict, war, struggle, protest, resistance, anomie, etc.), which have an uncertain status with respect to ST, as well as by lack of understanding of how manifestations of social tension at the macro-, mezo- and microlevel of social reality are related to each other. Using complexity theory, P.Bourdieu’s practical paradigm, B. Latour’s network approach and the suggested concept of “social fabric”, the author has built a conceptual framework underlying the basic conceptual scheme. The latter is a three-phase dynamic model of social changes, where social tension acts as the main parameter of phase transitions between qualitatively different states of society such as: a) stability; b) structural-adaptive instability; c) destructive instability. It is substantiated that the dominant behavioural response to the increasing social tension and the dominant way to handle a particular situation in each of the designated social phases will be different: a) stability — biographical; b) constructive-adaptive instability — local collective actions, usually constructive and solidaristic by nature; c) destructive instability — massive collective actions like protests, conflicts, revolutions, which are destructive by nature. Within the framework of the proposed model, social tension is interpreted at each of the levels of social reality in the following way: a) macro — disruption of the social fabric; b) mezo — destruction of the established practices of network interactions; c) micro — habitual crisis, crisis of emotional states. The author draws attention to the non-linear and ambiguous character of vectors of possible phase transitions between different states of society, stressing the crucial importance of ST management during transition from one state to another. It is noted that the monitoring of changes in people’s everyday practices of network interactions and in their corresponding emotional states is a key element of producing adequate managerial solutions.
Authors and Affiliations
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