Інтелектуальні енергетичні системи теплозабезпечення будівель
Journal Title: Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія "Теорія та практика будівництва" - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 844
Significant potential activation of consumers of electricity in Ukraine is in a electric and thermal providing systems. At that deserve special attention hybrid thermal providing system, which based on the joint use of electric energy and traditional energy sources, or (i) alternative and renewable energy sources. In this paper, the features of the application of hybrid electric and thermal providing systems of multistory buildings as active consumers of intelligent energy networks are considered. The hybrid electric and thermal providing system has two basic contour: contour of electric and thermal providing and contour of thermal providing. The contour of electric providing must be equipped with consuming equipment that is able to load changes, its own source of distributed generation of electricity, battery electric energy, thermal energy accumulators. The main requirements for the contour of thermal providing is the ability to control heat load that provides its accession to heating systems through individual thermal unit. The multistory buildings should have electric, electrode boilers, heat pumps, etc. with appropriate heat accumulators in electric and thermal providing systems. Developed schematic diagrams of hybrid electric and thermal providing systems of multistory buildings. The analysis of the features of functioning of these systems for various embodiments of their base contours was executed.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Fialko, M. Timchenko, A. Khalatov, Yu. Sherenkovsky
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