Inter-regional cooperation in system of regional policy the European Union
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2015, Vol 10, Issue
In the article was consider the features of organization and forms of realization of regional cooperation in European Union. Determined that has developed a classification of areas of the European Union the most important for the implementation of regional policy association is the second level (NUTS 2), because it is at this level is to develop regional cooperation programs and disbursement of structural funds. Ssegregated internal and external areas of EU regional policy, which, in particular, are realized through the lens of international, inter-regional and cross-border cooperation. Internal union regional policy applies to member countries of the EU and ensure cooperation of internal regions in order to level disparities of socio-economic development and interregional cooperation for the implementation of joint projects and programs within the borders of association. That internal interregional cooperation between the regions of the union at this stage given as much attention on improving integrated EU competitiveness. Outdoor regional policy is implemented, firstly, the transnational level and covers the affiliate interaction with groups of EU countries outside the union, and secondly, to apply to countries which have common borders with it through interregional and cross-border cooperation. Inter-regional and cross-border cooperation in the European Union is based and governed by a large number of documents, one of the main of which is the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities, signed in 1980 and the Additional Protocols (1995, 1998), which defined the concept "interterritorial cooperation" and "cross-border cooperation": cross-border cooperation mentioned as being carried out between the authorities of neighboring territories interterritorial cooperation involves the implementation of relationship between foreign governments that do not coexist. Analysis of the implementation of interregional cooperation in the European Union allowed it to define the following forms: free economic zones and special investment regime territories of priority development activities working Commonwealth and inter-regional organizations. The choice of organizational form of implementation of regional cooperation is based on a consideration of features of a region and depends on the selected areas and terms of cooperation. The main organizational form of cross-border cooperation in the Euroregions EU is perceived as subjects of international activities. At present there are in Europe, according to different sources, between 120 and 183 European regions and more than 30 structures of regional cooperation. Determined that financial support for interregional and cross-border cooperation in the European Union since the 90s carried out through the use of specific initiatives, programs and projects of the association, which in some years were programs INTERREG, PHARE CBC, TACIS CBC, PHARE CREDO, LEADER, EQUAL, JASPERS. Today INTERREG is the largest EU program to support and promote inter-regional cooperation association, which provides three areas of cooperation: A - cross-border cooperation; B - transnational cooperation; C - interregional cooperation.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalya Balabanova
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