Interaction between Learning Style and Gender in Mixed Learning with 40% Face-to-face Learning and 60% Online Learning


Student learning styles are important factors that have a strong impact on student performance in learning outcomes. That is why each learning method will produce different learning outcomes for students who have different learning styles. According to the previous study concluded that mixed learning produces learning outcomes that are superior to online and face-to-face learning models, but the questions are how is the difference between learning outcomes between student learning styles in mixed learning, and whether there is an interaction between mixed learning models and student learning styles towards learning outcomes. This study provides a scientific answer solution, by conducting experimental research of mix learning with a mixture of 40% face-to-face material learning and 60% online material learning for the subject of Algorithms and Programming. Based on 2-way ANOVA, T, and SCHEFFE tests towards student learning outcomes in this study, it is found: there are differences in learning outcomes between students who have different learning styles, the learning outcomes of male students achieve better learning outcomes than female students, and there is an interaction between student gender and student learning styles towards learning outcomes, where with further tests, it was found that there is no difference in learning outcomes based on student learning styles of all students except students who have a visual learning style with male sex achieving superior learning outcomes than students who have auditory and kinesthetic learning styles.

Authors and Affiliations

Anthony Anggrawan, Nurdin Ibrahim, Suyitno Muslim, Christofer Satria


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  • EP ID EP578619
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100550
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How To Cite

Anthony Anggrawan, Nurdin Ibrahim, Suyitno Muslim, Christofer Satria (2019). Interaction between Learning Style and Gender in Mixed Learning with 40% Face-to-face Learning and 60% Online Learning. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 10(5), 407-413.