Interaction of magnetic accumulation nanomaterials and nanocomposites with cells, viruses, bioacactic molecules, ions of hard metals
Journal Title: Поверхня - Year 2017, Vol 24, Issue 9
The review is given of scientific works made in the past decade concerning development, research of properties, operational parameters, directions of practical use of magnetic susceptible nanomaterials and nanocomposites promising for creation of new forms of complex medicinal preparations with cytotoxic, immunotherapeutic and hyperthermal action, immunomagnetic sorbents, means for decontamination viruses from plasma and serum of human donor blood and the like. Their analysis testifies to the relevance of the outlined topics and the promising application in various fields of medicine, biology, and biotechnology.
Authors and Affiliations
A. P. Kusyak, S. P. Turanska, Мi Khan, P. P. Gorbyk
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