Interesujące obserwacje żerowania postaci dorosłych chronionych gatunków chrząszczy (Coleoptera) na Dolnym Śląsku

Journal Title: Przyroda Sudetów - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue


Interesting observations on feeding of imagines of protected beetle species (Coleoptera) in Lower Silesia We present observations of a few protected saproxylic beetles feeding on sap exudation: hermit beetle Osmoderma eremita s.l., red click beetle Elater ferrugineus, stag beetle Lucanus cervus and flower chafer Protaetia speciosissima. The described cases are generally rarely mentioned (O. eremita, L. cervus, P. speciosissima) or not addressed (E. ferrugineus) in the pertinent literature. Observations of a fight between feeding workers of wasp Vespula vulgaris and a male stag beetle, and a joint feeding of hermit beetle with its predator (in larval stage) – red click beetle – are also noteworthy. We emphasize the possible importance of sap-exuding trees for the above mentioned saproxylic beetles, both in forests and in agricultural landscape, where fruity and blooming plants are often sparsely distributed.

Authors and Affiliations

Adrian Smolis, Marcin Kadej


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How To Cite

Adrian Smolis, Marcin Kadej (2017). Interesujące obserwacje żerowania postaci dorosłych chronionych gatunków chrząszczy (Coleoptera) na Dolnym Śląsku. Przyroda Sudetów, 20(), 143-148.