Interior parameters of pigs of different genotypes
Journal Title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» - Year 2016, Vol 96, Issue
The article provides the results of studying the interior parameters of pigs of different genotypes. Crossbred young animals had higher values of total protein in the blood than purebred pigs of Large White breed. In the offspring of ♀D×♂P and ♀P×♂D combinations this was 67.60 ....63.00 g/l, respectively. The investigations of blood of young pigs produced from boars of different genotypes suggest that a more intensive growth of ♀D×♂P and ♀P×♂D animal groups led to a higher protein content in the blood serum, which is closely related to the muscle growth process. The study shows that conducting interior tests at the age of four months allows predicting the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg and average daily gain of pigs in the control fattening.
Authors and Affiliations
В. Г. Пелих, І. В. Чернишов, М. В. Левченко, С. В. Ушакова
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