Internal Legal Alms (Zakāt) from Jurisprudential Point of View
Journal Title: فقه و اصول - Year 2011, Vol 43, Issue 86
Financial assistance to the needy is among the approaches for achieving economic justice and fighting against poverty. This research hypothesizes that in addition to the commonly known zakāt and khums, there is another financial right mentioned in religious doctrines that according to the traditions is called zakāt-i bāṭinī (internal legal alms); that is to say, “an inclusive zakāt levied on the properties of the well-to-do for the purpose of eliminating poverty as a collective obligation, which is different in quantity and conditions from the commonly known zakāt.” Having delved into the terminology, the present paper proceeds to discuss the reasons for the necessity of this type of zakāt with the analysis of the related verses and traditions and touches upon some of its rulings.
Authors and Affiliations
JawāD ĪRavāNī, ‘AbbāS‘Alī SulṭāNī, MuḥAmmad ḤUsayn ḤUsaynzade Bahreini
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