International experience of electronic payment systems using in Ukraine

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 3


Introduction. In the course of this research attention was paid to the study of theoretical and practical aspects of the development of electronic payment systems in the world and in Ukraine. The general scheme of electronic payment system work is considered. The dynamics of payments by means of electronic payment systems on the territory of Ukraine is determined. The basic principles of electronic payment systems activity are substantiated. The advantages and disadvantages of electronic payments are considered. The results of the study can be used as practical recommendations for improving the electronic payment activities in Ukraine. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to study the development and status of electronic payment systems and their development in Ukraine. Method (methodology). The main tasks of the research are to consider the general theme of the work of electronic payment systems on the territory of Ukraine. analyze the dynamics of electronic settlements in Ukraine. to substantiate the basic principles of the activity of electronic payment systems. to identify the advantages and disadvantages of electronic payments. Results. The use of electronic payment systems is an extremely positive step towards the economic development of the state. After all, the rapid and effective development of electronic payment systems in Ukraine with the use of international advanced information has a number of advantages for the state economy as a whole and for the individual user in particular: reduction of cash circulation, increase of credit resources, development and wide access to the financial system, etc. It should also be noted that one more important advantage of electronic payments is saving time and minimizing fraud risks.

Authors and Affiliations

Vladyslavа Lisniak


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How To Cite

Vladyslavа Lisniak (2018). International experience of electronic payment systems using in Ukraine. Економічний аналіз, 28(3), 149-153.