International experience of training of military service personnel and account costs on them: opportunities in libya
Journal Title: Journal of Scientific Papers “Social development & Security” - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 7
Studying international experience in training military personnel will have a positive effect in any case, because positive variations can be applied first hand, and negative ones can be excluded from the list of possible ones for implementation in your country. At the present stage in Libya, the training of military personnel is carried out in state military schools of a specific orientation (naval, air force, military land, military air defense school). The study of the experience of world countries in the field of military training will highlight the possible and necessary ways to improve not only the learning process, but also the accounting for the cost of such training as an important component of accounting reform in the public sector of Libya as a whole. Also, the international experience of training military personnel will highlight the positive changes and results in the case of its practical implementation in Libya, their influence on the construction of patriotic and modern Armed Forces.
Authors and Affiliations
Haloul Fouzi
Роль фінансового ринку як внутрішньодержавного питання та фактор забезпечення економічного зростання та економічної безпеки національної економіки України
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