International Projects of Ukrainian Contemporary Dance Groups 2010-2017
Journal Title: Танцювальні студії - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
<strong>The purpose of the research </strong>is to trace on the material of several successful examples how the processes of unilateral influence of contemporary Western dance on Ukrainian are gradually transformed into bilateral cooperation. <strong>Methodology: </strong>historical-chronological method, comparative analysis, critical analysis. <strong>Scientific novelty:</strong> the art history research on tracing the participation/initiation of Ukrainian dancers in international projects is carrying out for the first time. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>The period of borrowing as an inevitable stage of the process in relations Western/Ukrainian contemporary dance ended. The transition from this stage to the next consisted in a great work on the study of movement and dance techniques, composition methods and other methodological aspects of choreography developed during the history of contemporary dance. To date, the unconscious borrowing can only indicate the creative inconsistency of one or another choreographer. By the current moment, the leaders of the Ukrainian contemporary dance, among which are Larisa Venediktova, Ruslan Baranov, Olga Kebas, Danil Bielkin, Anton Ovchinnikov, Krystyna Shyshkariova and others have gained sufficient prestige on the international art market. During the observed period, not only the relations with dance communities of Russia and Belarus were prolonged, but the new strong relations with dancers from Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Spain, Estonia, Norway, France, Great Britain, and the USA were established. It should be noted that partnerships with Western dance evolved in conditions of unequal financial participation in joint projects. In the absence of investments from Ukrainian side, Ukrainian dancers have acquired the skills to attract foreign investments to the works implemented both in Ukraine and abroad. As a result, with the first positive changes in the area of cultural policy (as shown by the first experience of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation in 2018), the community of Ukrainian contemporary dance proved to be prepared for the implementation of high-level projects within a very modest funding.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Manshylin
Педагогічна діяльність Миколи Трегубова
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