International standards and requirements for safety for ships operating in polar waters
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 4
Navigation in ice-covered waters, including in the autumn-winter time, gradually acquires an ordinary nature but, at the same time, remains to be dangerous and complicated business. Polar waters are place of common interests of Europe, Asia, America and Australia. The topicality of the issue of ships’ safety during navigation in high latitudes is defined in the objective of the Polar Code: it is to ensure the safe operation of ships and the environment protection of the Polar Regions taking into account the risks typical for polar waters. The need to take the dangers and risks into account during navigation in high latitudes is related to the increase of navigation intensity, the prospect of using the Arctic routes for regular international maritime traffic between states as well as harmonization of the national norms for regulation of navigation in the polar waters with generally accepted international standards. With adoption of Chapter XIV of SOLAS-74 by the Resolution MSC. 386 (94), the Polar Code entered into force as of 1 January 2017. The key principle in the elaboration of the Polar Code was the use of the approach based on risks assessment. IMO laid the legal basis for the safety of navigation in the polar waters by creating unified international standards to reduce the impact of negative consequences during navigation of ships in the severe conditions of the Arctic and Antarctica. The Polar Code is a set of amendments to existing conventions (MARPOL and SOLAS) and is the first document in history that regulates navigation in the Arctic and Antarctica, taking into account the dangers and risks during navigation in polar waters. The required measures on limitation of the consequences of the effect of risks and dangers may be different for the Arctic and Antarctica waters, which have similarities, but there are also significant differences between them. In the Polar Code, the differences of both legal and geographical nature between these two regions have been taken into account.
Authors and Affiliations
Елена Костыря, Elena Kostyrya, Олена Костиря
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