Interpretacje sceniczne rosyjskiej dramaturgii pierwszego trzydziestolecia XX wieku na scenach polskich (Tango Oberiu 1928. Rewia pure nonsense z ponurym zakończeniem)
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 0
The paper is the attempt to compare the text of Daniil Kharms Yelisaveta Bam and her free theatrical production made in Rozrywka Theatre by Łukasz Czaja. The author considers similarities of the text and scenography, reflecting not only Charms’ assumptions but also producer’s stage concepts of The Great Reform of the Theater. The author also points out differences making a show out of Charms’ performance, closer to modern viewer, however, leveling the signs and atmosphere of the times when Charms’ drama was created
Authors and Affiliations
Jadwiga Gracla
Украінскі кантэкст творчасці Сяргея Пясецкага
Антропологізація образy Богоматері в поемах "Гавриилиада" Пушкіна і "Марія" Шевченкa
Sposoby identyfikacji osób w księgach metrykalnych parafii prawosławnych na Kujawach wschodnich i ziemi dobrzyńskiej na przełomie XIX i XX wieku.
The article is devoted to the methods of nominal configuration in the Parish registry books form East Cuyavia and the Dobrzyn Land in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries (Aleksandrów Kujawski, Włocławek, Lipno, Rypin)...
Interpretacje sceniczne rosyjskiej dramaturgii pierwszego trzydziestolecia XX wieku na scenach polskich (Tango Oberiu 1928. Rewia pure nonsense z ponurym zakończeniem)
The paper is the attempt to compare the text of Daniil Kharms Yelisaveta Bam and her free theatrical production made in Rozrywka Theatre by Łukasz Czaja. The author considers similarities of the text and scenography, ref...
Образ писателя в публицистике Ивана Бунина 1920 г.
The image of the writer plays an important role in the publicist works of Ivan Bunin in 1920. It is the image of the author struggling against the Bolsheviks, and the image of those writers who helped the Bolsheviks prop...