Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Characteristics of the approach and the possibility of its application in pedagogy/andragogy

Journal Title: Rocznik Andragogiczny - Year 2016, Vol 23, Issue


The aim of this article is to critically analyze and evaluate scientific publication concerning the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), written by Jonathan A. Smith, Paul Flowers and Michael Larkin (2009), in the context of the potential of using the approach in pedagogy and also in andragogy. IPA is used more often by representatives of the humanities, social sciences, and health sciences, but so far no attempt was made to introduce this approach to pedagogy-andragogy in which hermeneuticphenomenological perspective has already been used.

Authors and Affiliations

Kamila Kacprzak


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  • EP ID EP394888
  • DOI 10.12775/RA.2016.015
  • Views 36
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How To Cite

Kamila Kacprzak (2016). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Characteristics of the approach and the possibility of its application in pedagogy/andragogy. Rocznik Andragogiczny, 23(), 283-309.