Interpreting the Documents of Vatican II Integrally

Journal Title: Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2015, Vol 29, Issue


Commentators on the sixteen documents from the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) regularly understand the meaning of those texts to derive merely from the intentions of their authors., those bishops and experts who drafted and revised the documents for the council fathers (intentio auctoris). The texts mean what the authors meant. This is to ignore the meaning that derives from readers (intentio legentis) and the ongoing history of the text itself (intentio textus ipsius). Literary, philosophical, biblical, and legal studies illustrate how the quest for meaning takes us beyond the author of a text to recognize that the integral meaning of any text is also shaped by the history of its interpretation and readers.

Authors and Affiliations

Gerald O'Collins


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  • EP ID EP369294
  • DOI 10.14746/pst.2015.29.2
  • Views 91
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How To Cite

Gerald O'Collins (2015). Interpreting the Documents of Vatican II Integrally. Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne, 29(), 17-25.