In our globalised world there are more and more examples of multilingual and multicultural schools where a more complex social context is present than in a monocultural institution. Therefore, the collaboration of differ...
The distinction between coercive and emancipatory authority points to the dynamics of the influence of authority upon the person who recognizes it. The Catholic Church in Poland enjoys great authority but what sort of au...
EP ID EP253556
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Andrzej Ryk (2017). Intoduction. Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana. Rocznik Wydziału Pedagogicznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie, 20(2),
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Social Aspects of Multilingual and Multicultural Education in a Hungarian Model
In our globalised world there are more and more examples of multilingual and multicultural schools where a more complex social context is present than in a monocultural institution. Therefore, the collaboration of differ...
W kierunku zmiany kształcenia nauczycieli Maria Szymańska, Transformative Creativity in Teacher Formation: A Pedagogical Approach, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Wydawnictwo WAM, Krakow 2017, pp. 314
At the Interface between Pedagogy and Catechetics Septuaginta pedagogiczno-katechetyczna. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Księdzu Profesorowi Zbigniewowi Markowi SJ w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin, red. Anna Walulik CSFN, Janusz Mółka SJ, Akademia Ignat
[Piotr Długosz, Marian Niezgoda, Sławomir Solecki (ed.), Młodzież w społeczeństwie ryzyka, Kraków 2014]
Between Coercive and Emancipatory: Believers on the Authority of the Church
The distinction between coercive and emancipatory authority points to the dynamics of the influence of authority upon the person who recognizes it. The Catholic Church in Poland enjoys great authority but what sort of au...