Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia of larynx: Case report and literature review of all head and neck cases

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 4


Intravascular papillary end othelial hyperplasia (IPEH) is a benign lesion of a vascula r origin that is caused by excessive proliferation of endothel ial cells in blood vessels or vascular malformati ons. It is a rareentity that can present in any region of the body, but with particular predilection to the head and neck region and the extremities. We also present the results of the English literature search, which to our knowledge are all the published cases of IPEH in the head and neck regio n (No = 213). IPEH has not been reported to arise from the glottic region previously. We present a first case of IPEH arising from the vocal fold of a 48-year-old male. Histolog ical differential diag nosis of IPEH includes several entities, most importantly angiosarcoma. Presentation and histology are discussed. The main treatment option is a complete surgical resection. Prognosis of IPEH is excellent, with the exception of some intracra nial cases.

Authors and Affiliations

Miroslav Tedla, Miroslava Bežová, Csaba Biró, Eva Tedlová, Chee-Yean Eng, Karol Zeleník


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Miroslav Tedla, Miroslava Bežová, Csaba Biró, Eva Tedlová, Chee-Yean Eng, Karol Zeleník (2014). Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia of larynx: Case report and literature review of all head and neck cases. Otolaryngologia Polska, 68(4), -.