Introduction into in vitro culture and cytogenetic analysis of Iris attica Boiss. & Heldr. and Iris pseudopumila Tineo plants


Aim. The work was aimed at the development of conditions for introduction into in vitro culture of two species of irises, Iris attica and I. pseudopumila to obtain aseptic seedlings with subsequent reintroduction into natural environment, as well as at cytogenetic analysis of the obtained plants. Methods. In vitro seed germination and seedling cultivation. Cytogenetic analysis of cells of root meristem, determination of chromosome number and morphology in mitotic metaphase plates, anaphase analysis. Results. The plants of I. attica and I. pseudopumila were introduced in vitro. Aseptic seedlings were obtained, which were actively growing on MS/2 medium without phytohormones. The experiments on the adaptation of the plants to greenhouse conditions revealed the high survival rate for both species. The chromosome number 2n = 16 was established for the obtained plants of both I. attica and I. pseudopumila. Mixoploidy was detected in root meristem of some of the plants, the incidence of which was 10.9 % for I. pseudopumila and 30.4 % for I. attica. The frequency of cells with chromosomal rearrangements revealed by anaphase analysis in root meristem of I. pseudopumila seedlings was 2.6 %; in I. attica plants, chromosome aberrations were not detected. Conclusions. The plants of I. attica and I. pseudopumila were introduced into in vitro culture, aseptic seedlings were obtained, which showed a high survival level when adapted to greenhouse conditions. Chromosome number 2n = 16 was established for the obtained plants of both species. The root apical meristems of the seedlings were found to be mixoploid, with the incidence of mixoploidy in I. attica identified as three times higher than in I. pseudopumila plants.Keywords: I. attica Boiss. & Heldr., I. pseudopumila Tineo, aseptic seedlings, mixoploidy, anaphase aberration.

Authors and Affiliations

M. O. Twardovska, I. O. Andreev, V. A. Kunakh


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  • EP ID EP613137
  • DOI 10.7124/visnyk.utgis.16.2.1058
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How To Cite

M. O. Twardovska, I. O. Andreev, V. A. Kunakh (2018). Introduction into in vitro culture and cytogenetic analysis of Iris attica Boiss. & Heldr. and Iris pseudopumila Tineo plants. Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів, 16(2), 203-211.