Introduction to the History of the Koran The Question of the First Revealed Passage of the Koran

Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 26


This article is intended to discuss the various opinions on the first revealed passage of the Koran. There appear three conflicting opinions about the earliest Koranic passages revealed to the Prophet in the sources on the history of the Koran. The first opinion names the first five verses of the Surah ‘Alaq as the first Koranic passage to have been revealed. This opinion, being narrated by Bukhari and Muslim relying on the famous account by ‘Aisha, wife of the Prophet, has been regarded as the most reliable opinion. The second opinion identifies the first revealed Koranic passage as the beginning verses of the Sura Muddathir, while the third one naming the Surah Fatiha. An attempt will be made in this article to reveal that the views about the Surah ‘Alaq and Muddathir, trying to show that the opinion holding the Surah Fatiha as the earliest revealed passage is more reasonable and accurate.

Authors and Affiliations

Mustafa Öztürk, Hadiye Ünsal


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How To Cite

Mustafa Öztürk, Hadiye Ünsal (2013). Introduction to the History of the Koran The Question of the First Revealed Passage of the Koran. Eskiyeni, 1(26), 65-119.